Multi-Use Path
The Greater Cheyenne Greenway has over 45 miles of multi-use path. Darci has designed several miles of Greenway, including several underpasses and a pedestrian bridge over the Henderson Ditch. Darci has also designed a portion of the Spring Creek Trail in Laramie, Wyoming.
*This project is not property of Theena Engineering, but was designed and managed by Darci with a team of other engineers at a previous firm.

Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union
Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union, North Branch site was constructed in 2022 on Prairie Avenue in Cheyenne, WY. Civil Engineering included site grading, detention pond and storm water improvements, parking lot, circulation, and access.
*This project is not property of Theena Engineering, but was designed and managed by Darci with a team of other engineers at a previous firm.

Adora Day Spa
Adora Day Spa will be open for business in 2024. This project included demolition of an existing building to create space for Adora Day Spa. Civil Engineering included relocation of a water main, site grading, parking lot and access.
*This project is not property of Theena Engineering, but was designed and managed by Darci with a team of other engineers at a previous firm.