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Dry Creek Greenway Path
Theena Engineering Logo


"Never doubt that a group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

Hardhat on concrete stairs

Our Services

  • Site Design - Developing land into functional commercial sites

  • Greenway Design - Creating linear parks for recreation and commuting

  • Infrastructure - Providing designs for roadways and utilities, both public and private


Darci Hendon, P.E.

Darci has been designing civil engineering projects and providing construction management services in the region for over 25 years. As a professional engineer licensed in Wyoming and Colorado, Theena Engineering designs are built where employees work, shop, and interact with their community.  Our projects focus on enhancing the community for our clients and those who will use, see, and interact with our designs.

Darci Henderson

Recent Projects

*These projects are not property of Theena Engineering, but were designed and managed by Darci with a team of other engineers at a previous firm.

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